"Oh my dear friend Rama, we must somehow make it across this ocean in order to get to Lanka and save your true love, Sita!", Hanuman exclaims to Rama. Rama, with a look of concern of his face, replies, "I am aware, Hanuman. We must find a way to send one of us over to Lanka to solidify that she is there and alive. Lets have a vote." As Rama's entourage gathers together, Rama explains that there needs to be a vote to determine who, that are capable, to cross the ocean and make it to Lanka to find Sita. Unanimously, Hanuman was voted to take on this challenge because of his monkey-like jumping skills. Afterall, he was in the form of a monkey. Hanuman was flattered, yet nervous. He had never made a jump like this in all of his life. He thought to himself, "This will be the ultimate challenge for me. I must use all of my strength and might to get over this ocean". Everyone had faith in him, and knew that if anyone could do it, it was Hanuman. Rama, especially, was encouraging towards Hanuma, and had little doubt that he could pull this off. After some training time, the day finally came, where Hanuman would make the great jump. He took a magnificent running start, starting from miles back, and jumped with all of his might! So many thoughts were running through his mind as he began this jump, "I don't know if I can do this. I'm not sure if I can live up to my requests.", "I shouldn't be doubting myself, I am Hanuman the great, and I can do anything I set my mind to!". The adrenaline kicked into full gear and Hanuman took off with unrelentless speed and strength. Rama and the rest of the team stood under to watch the attempted jump in awe, it was unlike anything they had ever seen before. As Hanuman made it across the ocean, it was smooth sailing for the most part, but there were some rough spots as well. He became tired and fatigued at one point. He thought he might not make it, and started to have doubts about himself. As he was going down, down, down, something magical happened. A mountain grew up from under the deep ocean waters, giving him a peak to land on. These mountains were named the Mainaka, and ultimately saved Hanuman's life. He was able to catch a good rest before setting off to finish his quest. He took another massive leap and began to make his way across the ocean. He was nearing Lanka, as he could see the lights of the town, when all of a sudden things went black immediately. He had a quick moment of panic. Hanuman had no idea where he was or what had happened. He ultimately realized that he had been swallowed by a sea demon. This makes Hanuman angry, so he retaliates by destroying the demon's heart and smoothly escaping through his ear! He had never been so happy to see daylight in his life. He was becoming closer and closer to shore, and before he knew it his feet were on the ground. Hanuman felt so accomplished and proud of himself. He had completed his task, and knew that Rama and the others would be so proud. After his quick moment of glory, he made the decision to turn into the form of a cat in order to more easily prowl the city. Hanuman does this successfully, and makes his way towards Sita.

Image Information: Hanuman Leaps to Lanka
Author's Note: I decided to tell the story of Hanuman leaping over the ocean to Lanka, because I wanted to show some of the thoughts that he might have had before, during, and after he made the jump. I wanted to add an emphasis of heroism to his character, and add a little bit different background. I thought this made the story light and simple.
Buck, William. (1976). Ramayana: King Rama's Way.
I really enjoyed your story! I like how you really got into the mind of Hanuman. It gives the reader such a better understanding of a story when you know the characters feelings. Great job! I am excited to read more of your stories in the future.
ReplyDeleteGreat job on the story Alyssa, I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I really found myself fighting for Hanuman to make the crossing. You sold the suspense quite nicely. I also liked the addition of how Hanuman became flattered when he was chosen for the jump. I feel this highlights his selflessness to help Rama get Sita back. After finishing your story, I can't wait to read others you may post in the future. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteI find your storytelling style to be interesting. I think what I like the most about your style is that you make an effort to not change too much of the overall plot, so it allows the reader to be familiar without it being too boring to read again. I liked that you emphasized Hanuman's heroic-like qualities in your version of this story. Good job.